Free Online Plagiarism Checker With Percentage

When students make use of online professional writing services, they expect to have original pieces, written from scratch, and according to their instructions. One of the most important factors in using online writing services is that the pieces of writing they deliver to students are with 0% plagiarism. Most writing companies do check for plagiarism percentage but do not offer a free plagiarism checker online that is available for a student to use when he wants to “check my paper for plagiarism.”

Sometimes students have written their own essays and papers and want to use a plagiarism detector on their own. They will not find an essay plagiarism checker to use on online writing service - at least not the majority of them. When writing companies do offer additional resources, such as a free plagiarism checker, students come to trust that they are in the business of helping them rather than just making money.

Let’s face it. It’s easy to get a bit sloppy when doing research for a paper. An author’s words are paraphrased too closely to the real thing, a unique idea is not credited to its owner, and sometimes, even a direct quote is not cited correctly. All of these things open a student up for charges of plagiarism, even if they write college papers from scratch, with the best of intentions. Having a free online plagiarism checker for students, such as that offered by Trust My Paper, gives a student a neutral, objective source to ensure that no instructor will find plagiarized content in what he has submitted. And having a plagiarism detector that is a unique piece of software not used by anyone else is critical. More on that later.

There is also something called “self-plagiarism.” Most students are unaware of this issue, but it is real. Suppose a student has written a previous original piece, and it was run through a common plagiarism detector used by many institutions. Now, he is writing a second piece on a similar topic and decides to use a small percentage of content from that previous piece. Using that same common plagiarism detector will result in repeated content being flagged as plagiarized. Better to catch this with the Trust My Paper plagiarism checker before turning the paper in.

The consequences of plagiarism become more severe as students move through their schooling careers. A middle school student who writes his first research paper is clearly a beginner. May not fully understand the “rules” of plagiarism. Rather than serious consequences, his teacher will probably re-teach those rules, point out what was plagiarized, and have him rewrite those parts. By high school, things get a little more serious, and students can face severely lowered grades on writing that contains plagiarism. Once in college, a student is expected to know the rules and to produce fully original work. Consequences for plagiarism are severe. Can even include expulsion. If a student has any concern about plagiarism, he must find an online plagiarism checking tool with percentage and clear his piece before submitting it. Trust My Paper has that tool.

Benefits of Free Online Plagiarism Checker by Trust My Paper

Let’s take a look at probably the most common online plagiarism detector - Turnitin. Most colleges use Turnitin campus-wide, so instructors will check papers for plagiarism through this software. And it’s a free plagiarism checker with percentage. Here is a typical scenario. A student finishes a paper. Runs it through Turnitin. It gives him 95% originality, which is acceptable. He then submits that essay to his professor. That professor then runs it through Turnitin, and it comes back plagiarized. The student has some explaining to do, even though he did nothing wrong.

This is probably not your biggest worry when dealing with checking for plagiarism. You really just want to be sure that you have not goofed. Plagiarized something by mistake. Often, these are failures to cite sources correctly or to paraphrase too closely. And if you use a good plagiarism checker with percentage, these issues will be identified, so you can fix them.

When you use the free plagiarism checker on the Trust My Paper website, you will not run into any issues of undetected plagiarism. And there are some other important benefits when you check a paper for plagiarism through our tool:

- We provide a 100% guarantee of the results - We compare your piece with over 1,500,000 pieces of content on the web - We support 150+ languages - We use the latest, most sophisticated algorithms - It’s super easy to use - Shows originality in percentage

How Does Plagiarism Detection Work?

Once you have typed in Google “ check my paper for plagiarism,” you simply access it here, on the Trust My Paper website. The rest is self-explanatory:

1. Enter the title of the piece/document. 2. Paste/upload your piece. 3. Check the box that you agree with the “terms and conditions” and then click the “check for plagiarism” box. 4. Let the software do its work. Provide you with a full report. Let the software do its work. Provide you with a full report. That report will include the percentage of originality and will point out any and all parts with similarities, along with the sources of those similarities. 5. If you need to fix some things, you can do so and run the piece through the checker again until you have the results you need. 6. Once you have the results you want, you can download your report and turn it in with your work.

Once you have used it, you will come to believe that ours is the best plagiarism checker you will find.

Advantages of Plagiarism Checker by Trust My Paper

Using Trust My Paper online plagiarism checker has several advantages that make it the preferred checker of a huge majority of our clients. You get a full report that will let you fix any issues quickly. End up with total confidence that you can turn in your work without any worry. - You can check your paper for plagiarism as many times as necessary. - Our free plagiarism checker is just that - free, no matter how many times you want to use it. - Your use of our plagiarism checker is confidential, and it is fast. You will get your report, usually within minutes, unless the piece is quite lengthy. - Accuracy is guaranteed because we use the latest software and algorithms. - You can drag and drop any type of file you have - .doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf, .pdf, .odt. - Our checker is super simple to use. Once you try it, you’ll want to use it for every piece you write.



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